Spicy Courgette & Lemon Penne Pasta
Serves 2
1 large courgette
1 red chilli
2 lemons
8 cherry tomatoes
Handful basil
Handful Italian parsley
1/4 cup olive oil
2 tbsp butter
250g Penne
Parmesan (optional)
Salt and pepper
1 tbsp Apple cider vinegar/ red wine vinegar
Boil a large pot of salted water. Slice courgettes into circles then in half. Place in a medium heat pan with the butter and olive oil. Roughly chop up the chilli and slice cherry tomatoes in half, add to the pan and turn down to a low heat. When water is boiling add pasta. Roughly chop herbs and set aside. Grate lemon zest over veggies. Drain pasta and add to the pan with the vegetables. Squeeze over lemon juice. Serve with Parmesan, salt & Pepper.