
Spiced Beans & Sourdough

Serves 4


3 tins butter beans

1 tbsp tomato paste 

1 onion 

1 chilli 

4 garlic cloves 

1 tsp smoked paprika 

500g cherry tomatoes 

1 tsp red wine vinegar

Loaf fresh sourdough 


Slice onion, dice garlic and chilli and place in a pan on a medium low heat with a drizzle of olive oil. Stir until onion starts to soften then add paprika, keep stirring until onion is well coated in the spice. Chop tomatoes in half and add to the pan, season well. Stir around so everything is combined then add the red wine vinegar. Turn down to the lowest heat, then if you have a lid, place on and leave for 5-10 mins to sweat. If you don’t have a lid, still turn down to lowest possible heat, but add a drizzle of water to help keep the moisture. Add more moisture when you come back to it if you need. Remove lid and pour in drained butterbeans and squeeze in tomato paste. Stir to combine everything, then cut and toast sourdough. Butter sourdough then spoon beans into bowls or plates and put a piece of sourdough beside each.